Hey all, I’m asking you to help us raise $50,000 to empower our pathways as we enter our 7th year of ministry at The Gathering Harlem - specifically by supporting young families, developing new leaders, and restoring outreach ministry.
Our mission is to build pathways that lead to reconciliation with God and with people. In just the past year and a half, we baptized 60 people - clearly God is reconciling people to himself at TGH! In the past year, we brought over 20 couples together in community, and are welcoming several new babies into our Kids ministry. In the past year we also raised up several new ministry team leaders, including launching our Men’s & Women’s Ministries. Finally, we’ve been able to help provide benevolence for several folks, & we have made plans to restore our outreach ministry. All of this has been possible because of the generosity of our members & partners. As we enter year 7, we have the opportunity to truly empower all of these pathways to ensure that the mission impacts more people.
I want to personally ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us as our church continues to reach new people with the love of Jesus and connect them into life-changing community. I am excited about all that God will do through our church in year 7! Thank you in advance for any and every contribution whether it be your prayers, participation, or provision. Our church is better because of your generosity.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Charles Wolford III
Sowing Into Our Families (Investing in our Kids and Couples)
This year we have been honored to marry several couples and celebrate with many as they embrace the beautiful season of parenthood. Our Kids ministry, under the leadership of our new director Michille Colas, is in need of resources to provide quality nursery services for our families welcoming new babies into our community. The kids ministry is also seeking resources for discipleship such as kids bibles, new curriculum for various age groups, and funding for parent involvement and support. Additionally, our engaged and married couples have formed a community for support and fellowship in our church and would benefit from having a budget for gatherings throughout the year.
Sowing Into Our Leaders (Discipleship Tools and Training for Leaders)
This year we revised our church mission statement to “Building pathways that lead to reconciliation with God and with people.” Our greatest way of accomplishing this is through our 3 discipleship pathways: Corporate Bible Study, Life Groups, and Peer to Peer Discipleship. These pathways require training and tools for developing the leaders that facilitate them. We want to provide more tools for our leaders and facilitators to develop their spiritual gifts and leadership skills while not neglecting their own spiritual growth. The fund will help us to afford the tools needed to train and develop our leaders. It will also afford us the ability to pay for cohorts, conferences, and retreats that will uplift and equip our leaders throughout the year.
Sowing Into Our Community (Resourcing Outreach and Benevolence)
In 2025 our church has plans to restore our outreach and evangelism ministry. Along with allocating funds to marketing and promoting our church to different communities within New York, it is also our desire to return to engaging our neighbors and meeting the needs of the less fortunate. The Seed Fund will provide us the means to have consistent outreach initiatives and to purchase digital and physical marketing materials to invite people into our community. Lastly, our benevolence fund, used to help folks during challenging financial circumstances, has been available but limited. The Seed Fund will ensure that this ministry is better equipped to meet peoples’ needs.
Our ask for the 7 Year Seed fund is that you Sow & Share.
Sow by giving to our fund, whether it be a special gift or a monthly contribution throughout 2025. Every dollar will provide us the funding and resources needed to accomplish each goal. We are a 501c3 organization, tax ID: 81-3859139.
Online at thegatheringharlem.com & choose 7 Year Seed Fund
Text any amount to 84321 (Ex. $100 for 7 Year)
Secondly we are asking you to consider sharing this initiative to people and organizations within your network who may be interested in helping us with the work we are striving to do in Harlem.
Do you know a company that gives to non-profit organizations or community initiatives?
Does your company match employee donations to a non-profit?
Do you know of anyone who these needs would inspire to join us in our efforts to serve our families, leaders, and our community?
If so, please share our infographics and donation links.